Monday, April 20, 2009


This will make you think a lot differently about the humble tuna sandwich.

We first discovered this recipe at the original Good Earth restaurants in Silicon Valley, back in the late 70's and early 80's.

My mother in law Lucille worked there as a cook, my sister-in-law Gail did some time there too while her husband Jim was stationed overseas in the US Army and I spent 10 great years with the company, one of the best jobs I ever had.

We hope you try it out and take the time to tell us what you think.

One large can of your favorite tuna (or two 6 ounce cans)
One third cup Mayo
Shredded Lettuce
Slivered Almonds
Alfalfa Sprouts
Dill Pickle Chips
One eighth to one fourth teaspoon Curry Powder
Yellow food coloring (enough to make it pale mustard yellow)
Celery Salt, Salt & Pepper to taste
Multi Grain Bread

1) Combine tuna, mayo, food coloring and curry powder in bowl and stir thoroughly.
2) Season.
3) Lightly spread mayo on a slice of multi-grain bread, top with a bed of chopped lettuce.
4) Add tuna and top with alfalfa sprouts, slivered almonds and a few dill pickle chips.
5) Cover with another piece of multi-grain bread (also with light mayo).
6) Enjoy!

PS: Goes best with a citrus soda such as Hansen's Mandarin Lime (in this instance, it was Vernors, one of America's Oldest Soft Drinks)...